Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Passenger Response

After listening to the song "Passenger", I felt that it had a very similar mood to that of the first three chapters we have read in "A Visit from the Goon Squad". I think that each of the characters, in a unique way, felt as if they were passengers in life. They each felt out of control of one or more aspects of their lives, and in that sense were just viewing that part of their lives from the backseat, through the glass. I think this is displayed very well by Rhea, in that she is very much an observer in "Ask me if I care". In that chapter, the events that occurred included Rhea, but she rarely was an active participant in them, and more often just observing, as a passenger does when viewing out of a window.

I also thought that the song itself had an almost dreamy, never-ending feel, which is one that is shared by the book. Each of the characters that have been introduced so far don't necessarily have a clear goal, or clear path that they are going down. In that sense, both the novel and the song share a good deal in common.

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