Thursday, October 23, 2014

Meta Story

“Its not even really a barn” I thought to myself as I looked up at the aged “barn”. It looked as if the next light breeze would send it to the ground, taking all the animals inside down with it. I decided to take my chances anyways. Walking carefully through the grass, keeping an eye out for any animal excrement, I reached the gate, which looked equally rickety as the barn. Thinking that unlocking the gate would take more work; climbing over seemed less taxing.

“So we are going to your Uncle’s farm that's so cool! Do they have horses and chickens and pigs and cows?” Maddie asked excitedly. I didn’t want to burst her bubble, but I also didn't want to completely deceive her. “Its a goat farm…” I said slowly trying to think of how I might best describe the “farm”.

I was hoping to have both feet on the ground before the goats realized I had invaded their territory, unfortunately as soon as I swung my foot over I felt the tug of Frank pulling on my shoe. “You always did have great style Frank” I thought as I wiggled my foot out of his reach. Only goats could survive in the barn, so that's what my uncle decided to have, a goat farm.

I could tell Maddie was impatient for me to go into more details, but I hesitated; it was almost to odd to explain. Maddie’s eyes urged me on and I tried to remember a semi normal trip to the family farm.

“Aunt T said they sold Hop Along yesterday” Carolyn called, swinging over the gate, joining me in the goat pen. “She also told me to tell you we can let the goats out for a little bit, oh and I brought them some treats.” She concluded pulling out the small pellets. I smiled, now we could finally complete our tradition. I grabbed two from her hand and walked over to where the smallest goat was, keeping an eye out for Frank. Bending down as close as I dared, I opened up the camera on my phone and snapped some quick selfies with Sweet Pea. I stood slowly looking at my handiwork; absentmindedly feeding Sweet Pea her treats. “Not too bad” I thought, looking over at Carolyn who had chosen Frank to take her annual goat photo with I chucked “I hope he rams her hard this time” .

“Just basic farm stuff” I finally concluded to Maddie. She eyed me, trying to call my bluff, but decided in the end it probably wasn’t worth the effort. “You're gonna find out next week so just chill.” I told Maddie. Boy, would she be in for a surprise next week.

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