Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Are We Really Passengers?

I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride

But we all have our own independent thoughts. And actions. While you may simply be a passenger, are you still in control of your life? I would prefer the simile to be we’re driving on a road-- may be going to the same place but we take different ways to get there. Because being the “passenger” isn’t necessarily fun, and people see you as just one big clusterfuck who has no idea what is going on in their lives. But nobody is a passenger. You may be driving on the same street, but you’re still driving. So, no, I am not a passenger in english class. This is not a story about being a passenger, it is about not being a passenger at all, it’s about driving the same road. Also, what is Iggy really saying here? I take it as more of he just doesn’t give a fuck. Not that his life is falling apart or something, I mean, it was, but that doesn’t mean that he cares.
...So let's take a ride and see what's mine...


  1. I agree with and sometimes I feel the same way

  2. It was deep and i enjoyed it because it was rather thought provoking. Although the language was rather vulgar
