Monday, November 23, 2015

The Satire Island

A continuous highlight of Saturday night live, has been their satirical band, The Lonely Island. The Lonely Island is comprised of former SNL cast member Andy Samberg, and SNL writers Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone, along with numerous celebrity features, most commonly Justin Timberlake. They not only do parodies but mostly original comedic compositions. They mostly take ironic viewpoints of the male mind and ideologies through songs such as "3-way", "No Homo", and "I Just Had Sex". Exaggerated hyperboles come in "Motherlover", "Yolo", and "Shy Ronnie" with parodies in songs such as "Jack Sparrow" in which Michael Bolton is a major cinephile. They express this in outrageous comedic fashions representing irony, parody, and hyperbole. They're songs of extreme ridiculousness mixed in with and accurate representation of crazy thoughts inside a catchy tune. 


  1. Great example. Articulate the satirical point about masculinity a bit more. How do those songs suggest how to change our ideas of manhood?

  2. I see where you are going with this. I would like if you went into greater detail to emphasize your points.

  3. I see where you are going with this. I would like if you went into greater detail to emphasize your points.
