Thursday, March 26, 2015

"You think you're SO F***ing COOL" - Kamikaze by Plastic Visions

The song I picked to defend as poetry is "Kamikaze" by Plastic Visions (song and lyrics at the link.) Kamikaze is, according to the band, a song that "...depicts the femme fatale character. Showing the ups and downs of battling with substance abuse and a fascination with the manipulation of seduction."

But, of course, the lyrics don't just say that-- there's plenty of symbolism. Kamikaze is a metaphor for doing something that you know is bad for you-- you know it will self-deprecate you but you do it anyways.
"Kamikaze // my Kamikaze Baby // she's coming // coming straight after me // my Kamikaze crazy"
The Kamikaze, itself, is the "femme fatale." (I won't get into feminist or anti-feminist here.) By the use of the Kamikaze symbol, Plastic Visions articulates two parts of the story-- the Kamikaze that the girl is for them/him, and the kamikaze lifestyle that she takes-- along with the substance abuse.

In the music video, this is further articulated when the video ends with her killing every single one of them, awaking abruptly in a pool of blood and lifeless bodies. Though this is not part of the song, the music video of any piece is an integral part of the art of the work. It helps further the "what" of the song.

One poetic aspect of the song is the amount of repetition of phrases. "Blacked out" is used over and over again, and it means several different things.
"Blacked out//you're out of control," "blacked out//you won't remember this night," "blacked out//why do you do this//why do you do this to me," "blacked out//you think you're so fucking cool"
Blacked out literally, as in drank too much and blacked out, blacked out as in forgot everything and is now being self-deprecating, and hurting others around you.

Finally, the structure of the song and how it interacts with the language-- there's a chorus, but the verses follow a similar template of language, as shown with the last paragraph, almost repition. Words are changed that further the meaning of the song itself. "blacked out // why do you do this" and "blacked out // what are you doing with your life." 

And, as the song says, you think that you are so. fucking. cool. By repetition, rich symbolism, and a running metaphor, "Kamikaze," without a doubt, is poetry.

P.S. cut me some slack, you gotta admit that this is a challenging song to go with. I tried!

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