Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Class Discussion

     Today in class we had a very good discussion about what it means to be a feminist. There is a misunderstanding that feminists, and I've heard people say this, don’t want equal rights they want greater rights. This is not true, in fact, feminists fight for equal rights for both men and women. They don’t want one gender to have all of the power they believe that everyone should share the power equally. Later in the discussion we talked about what feminism looks like and what it really means to be a feminist. Feminism includes anything that can possibly be considered girly, such as dresses, skirts, make-up, nail polish, girly music, etc. Some extreme feminists believe that women should not wear anything that is considered to be girly because they believe that men are really the ones who want them to dress that way. I don’t believe this is true, men are not the reason that women where girly close. Most people dress the way that they dress for their own personal reasons. I will admit that there are women who only wear what they wear because that is how someone wants them to dress, however I do not think that this is the only reason why a girl will dress girly or a man will dress manly.

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