Friday, March 13, 2015

Sorry For My Gender

When asked to envision what the perfect woman looks like, most people will see the image society has groomed. This woman is flawless, wearing makeup, hair done, dainty, thin, and well-dressed. This isn't how women always are, society is feeding us an unattainable lie as an image to achieve. Feminism is striving for gender equality which includes the acceptance of our natural appearances.

Often, on social media or inYouTube videos, a girl will say "Sorry I don't have on any makeup". Why is this comment or explanation needed? These women are role models that encourage younger people to love themselves and see their true beauty. These women are not the feminists they appear to be, by cutting themselves down and apologizing for their appearance without makeup, they set the example that you can't be proud of your natural self. Young people are not going to listen to instruction when a contradictory behavior is demonstrated. They can't expect reform of gender equality and acceptance when girls and boys are shown every day that women need to wear makeup in order to not be displeasing to the eye and offend others.

Without a clear message being conveyed and demonstrated, the feminist agenda is a shout into the void. History has proven that it takes more than speech and opinions to make change, it takes demonstration and unyielding determination to achieve their goal. To finally achieve true gender equality, everybody, male or female, must make a small change in their everyday behavior, acceptance of those around them.


  1. I never really realized that I apologize for not wearing make up but I am totally guilty of that, as if I owe someone. Your point is really interesting and there are somethings that I haven't though about. Thanks for opening up my mind.

  2. Yeah I totally have seen that! I'm pretty involved with the online makeup community, and a lot of it is really feminist and is totally about having fun with makeup instead of using it to "cover up" your natural face, but there are definitely people who apologize for not wearing makeup. I mean, if you feel insecure without makeup on, then that is seriously not your fault - it's the fault of the culture that makes you feel bad for not wearing makeup. A lot of people wear makeup because it helps them love their face, and there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is when people feel like they're doing something wrong by not dressing fancy and completely covering their face. I know makeup makes me feel really pretty and really confident, but I never feel ugly when I'm not wearing it, and I certainly never apologize for it.
