Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sanders' Sarcasm

Sanders continues to support the middle class by restating his opinion that minimum wage should be raised to $15 per hour. And in concluding his one minute to discuss it, he states "And I'm sorry to no one". This sarcastic joke raises laughs and applause to his platform.


  1. This is interesting especially because jumping to $15 an hour is a huge difference. Is that actually sarcasm? Was there intention to hurt? I'm unfamiliar with the difference between sarcasm and irony.

  2. If Sanders were elected and this did happen, it would help millions of families all over. It would help some people in the lower class move up. It's an interesting point and I would love it if I could make that much!

  3. I also noticed that by making this sarcastic comment he sort of connects to the audience on a new level. He seems more relatable and "normal" sounding which I think helps gain a lot of support from casual audience members.

  4. Sarcasm makes for an important rhetorical moment. Sanders is normally so serious it is healthy for him to make a joke to remind people that he's human.
