Friday, January 30, 2015

SOTU: Obama's Use of Rhetoric

Throughout his address Obama employed various rhetorical tactics, ultimately strengthening his arguments and capturing his audience. He would often reiterate his thoughts, especially when concluding an argument, thus tying together all he said and summarizing his ideas. In addition his use of logos was very effective, stating facts that logically support his argument. These facts such as over eleven millions jobs being created, are positive and in turn lead to the association of Obama with these national successes. Diction was one method used which particularly stood out to me.

Obama used diction in conjunction with all other rhetorical strategies. Using words such as “us” and "we" he was able to construct a sense of commonality with his audience as well as inclusive terms adding to the impression of a connection between the audience and himself. In his speech Obama also utilizes pauses, adding emphasis to his points. He also sets up his sentences with a negative point then moves to a possible solution to the issue previously introduced. By doing so he is able to more effectively persuade his audience adding appeal to his proposed solution.

His diction is also characterized by easily understood vocabulary. This aspect enables him to appeal to a much larger and more inclusive audience rather than strictly directing his ideals toward those with a higher education or social standing. Obama also used pathos and ethos throughout the address. Captivating his audience by speaking about the difficulties faced by americans as well as criticizing the government. He is able to make himself seem very relatable and be perceived as an ordinary person with the same struggles and views.  


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