Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Heavy Boots & Background Screen

     Ever see a futuristic T.V. show or a movie where a character has the power to zoom in on someone and see a virtual screen full of information about the person? My invention for Oskar would look very similar. Except instead of it happening on demand, it happens when someone around him has 'heavy boots,' or when he is nervous around someone. The screen would say some things about them, such as who they are, where they're going, what some of their dreams are, and if they are safe to be around. 
     This invention would help Oskar because if he understands that someone is not a bad person, he wouldn't be scared. For instance, he can't ride public transportation because "public transportation makes me panicky" (pg. 87). One can assume that he's panicky because there's a lot of people around of different kinds and backgrounds, and he's afraid of people who "look muslim" because of 9-11. If he had this invetion, he could see that all the people on the train really aren't bad people at all, and that they all have their own families, sons, fathers, moms, grandmas, hopes and dreams, just like him. He could take public transportation and not be afraid, and walk down the street and not be afraid of them. In addition, he has expressed wanting to know when people have heavy boots with his "tear drain" invention, where there's a drain under every pillow in New York for tears, and when the drains filled up, people would know that others had heavy boots and be nicer to each other (pg. 38). If he could know when people had heavy boots, he could brighten their day.  

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