Saturday, January 10, 2015

Key Finder 2000

The invention that I would create, called the Key Finder 2000 would solves Oskar’s problem of trying to find exactly what his mysterious key opens. Many times throughout the novel Oskar references the number of keyholes in relation to the number of people in New York. He is always worrying about how strongly stacked the odds are against him in trying to discover his keys match. "There are probably 18 locks for every person in New York City, which would mean  about 162 million locks, which is a crevasse-load of locks" (41). My invention would be a small black box, no larger than a Rubix cube, that has a small key insert on one side. When you insert the key, it scans the keys ridges to identify what key holes match it. It then projects a quarter mile by quarter mile 3d Laser grid that will identify all key holes within its testing range. If the correct key hole is not identified, the top of the box will flash red. If the device does identify the correct key hole, the top of the box will flash green. To find the matching keyhole, the key finder 2000 will beep according to how close it is to the correct key hole. The closer you are to the spot, the more the device will beep, letting you know that you're getting closer to the match. This small item would be essential to Oskar in his search for the keyhole by saving him a lot of searching time.

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