Wednesday, October 14, 2015

You (Plural)

During the chapter "You (Plural)", You discover that it is 20 years later. Much has happening since including, Lou having a second stroke and the "gang" not being very close anymore. Rhea and Jocelyn both come to visit Lou at his house during his final days of life. They started with small talk and Jocelyn realized how successful Rhea had been over the years. She knows that Rhea got married and had 3 kids and now lives in Seattle while she was living at her mothers going to UCLA working on her B.A. After some small talk Rhea and Lou talk about Rolph, Lou's son who died. Then, Jocelyn starts to cry and her and Rhea talk about how different their lives are. After a long period of time where Jocelyn thinks to herself about her life, her and Rhea take Lou outside for the first time in a very long time. They then stood by the pool and Jocelyn begins reliving all the memories she's had with Lou and Rolph. After Jocelyn had a angry moment where she feels like she is about to throw Lou in the pool and hold him down until he drowns but then realizes it was just an illusion. She then became angry and yelled at Lou would was still crying because she brought up Rolph. Eventually everything cools down and becomes calm and she has good memories with Rolph like when they sat on the roof all night long waiting for the sun to come up. Then she, Rhea, and Lou take hands and have a good moment of happiness.

This chapters makes me realize how things may change in your life and end abruptly but that you should never give up. In the chapter, if they had, they wouldn't have been able to live their lives like they did. Rhea ended up getting married while earlier in the book she feared that she could never find love nor hope. Also Jocelyn grew up, she discovered that she was struggling to maintain a reason to live and so she changed as a person and now she is going to UCLA to finish her degree. Later in the book you also discover that Sasha grows up and marries her college boyfriend, Drew. They even had two kids and Sasha had many terrible years even before getting to this point. This shows how people who are in the worst places can rise above it and achieve greatness and that's inspiring.


  1. It's a well written summary of the chapter, but try to analyze more than summarize

    1. Haha I realized that in class, definitely did something wrong, thanks Erica. hopefully you will like my next one.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
