Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rowing Their Way to Postmodernism

In today's society, postmodernism is an increasingly popular movement that includes skeptical interpretations of culture, art, literature, fiction, etc. Many artists can be perceived as being postmodern, such as Regina Spektor. One song in particular, All the Rowboats from the album What We Saw From the Cheap Seats, has postmodern lyrics that discusses the idea of how people view art.

Throughout the song, Spektor comments on the treatment and interpretation of art, both famous masterpieces and the lesser-known that are misunderstood. Specifically she sings, "But the most special are the most lonely" arguing that today people fail at understanding great art to the point where nothing produced is truly artistic.

"Hear them whispering, French and German, / Dutch, Italian, and Latin" comments on the audience's judgmental murmurs about art pieces, almost cheapening the value of the artist's heart and soul poured into their piece.

Spektor mainly mocks the way the audience interprets and understands artistic pieces, but also the art itself that is produced by the naive interpreters and artists. She comments on the fraudulence of their perception of art

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