One ideology that is not projected false until later on in life is that the news and media are truthful. When the news tells you that there are riots in Ferguson, Missouri, they are not fully telling you what is really going on. The news is going to tell you that the citizens of Missouri got angry at the police, while the police got angry at the citizens for not being cooperative. As the thoughts of a postmodernists illuminate like a light bulb, we question why the citizens are fighting the authority? What's really going on?
Basically our entire government is built around capitalism. All that America is driven towards is money. Democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders, can validate this in his belief, "Too few have too much, and too many too little". Our government revolves around this ideal which then effects the institutions involved with our government such as schools, hospitals, and banks. It is completely unfair of the government to rob us of our money as well as our right to an education and health care. Due to this injustice the less financially stable citizens are refraining from attending college which is causing the colleges to raise tuition. The colleges raise their tuition not only to trap and drown students in student loans, but because of the fact that less students are attending the colleges. When fewer students are attending the colleges, the colleges begin losing money as well as enrollment rates. When there are less enrollment rates, there are less students attending to pay the college funds that the colleges need to run their institution; Therefore, the colleges have to raise tuition to compensate for the money that they are losing.
Postmodernism is realizing and opposing the injustice of our government. Postmodernism is standing up for our rights as American citizens. It is hard to believe that we have learned from such a young age that it is wrong to lie and that "honest is the best policy" when we have been lied to our entire lives. Our government is unfair, but it is up to us to not fall victim to capitalism or any other immoral ideals of our country.
Great connection between postmodernism and the Democratic Debate through the Bernie Sanders quote. Also, your analysis of the perpetuating system of tuition costs was very insightful. You found the connection between a lot of different issues facing today's society, and linked them to postmodernism, nice job!