Thursday, October 8, 2015

The new phase of art, known as post-modernism, forces humans to think deeper and stray away from perceptions. A well-known film, "The Fault in our Stars", ponders with the idea of post-modernism. In the film, one of the characters wears a t-shirt with a picture of a pipe and the words "this is not a pipe" written on the bottom in French. The characters go on to explain that the pipe on the shirt is not really a pipe, but merely a drawing of a pipe.

The shirt from the movie and other examples of post-modernism show us that first glances aren't enough. They gave an entirely new definition to the word "real". This new era questions art and shows us that our experiences are deeply persuaded by others actions, reactions, and thoughts. Along with art, post-modernism applies to everyday thinking, especially with the introduction to new people. When first meeting someone, it is normal to form opinions based on their appearance without knowing anything about that person. This new era is new and intimidating, but it can force us to look beyond what is in front of us. We have to ignore what we see and dig for the deeper underlying meaning. 


  1. I think it is interesting how you tied postmodernism into everyday thinking. I would never have connected prejudging with postmodernism. Great post!

  2. I love that you connected postmodernism to The Fault in Our Stars. I agree that our actions are very much persuaded by others actions, and that it will take a while for us to be able to understand and go deeper into this postmodern form of art. Nice job Jackie!

  3. You can even go further with it by connecting the artist Renee Magritte to it and his ideas as a surrealist.
