Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Straightforward Sanders

Unlike the other candidates, Bernie Sanders wasted no time in explaining how many children he has or what their jobs are (thanks Jim Webb, I'm glad I know that your daughter is a massage therapist). Sanders, instead, relied on the power of logos while he was establishing his ideas. He brings science into the debate with his discussion of the environment crisis. Additionally, his use of "middle class" and "taking back politics from the billionaires" are classic examples of pathos, to appeal to a broad range of Americans.


  1. Yes, Emmy!! This is a great post because it points out how politics should be strictly problem-solving. No one wants to know the back stories of the candidates if it means that they're wasting time. I agree with this a lot and love how you yourself used rhetoric when you put down the other candidates to show that Bernie was better.

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