Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What it's like living in a Postmodern world

Postmodernism is more than just a word. It doesn't just have a meaning for you to know. Postmodernism has and still is shaping thoughts, objects, places, and people. Experiences and perspectives of life are changed because of it. What is it like to live in a postmodern world?

Living in a postmodern world is something that plays great impact on society. It changes the way people think and act which a lot of times can have a negative effect. Change in society causes change in the minds of the people. We tend to follow the norms and acts of the world around us and if it's becoming different out there, we become different inside. Living in this type of world prevents us from showing our humanity and honest truth. People living in postmodernism feel less confident towards how they feel about themselves or something. There's more comparing and less believing and realizing. Everything has to be further analyzed which is why the old way of creativity and sense of narrative has been changed. Postmodernism has brought out objects and ideas up for debate. Some may argue that it is a better or more efficient way of life, some may not. However, each side has been affected in some way, shape, or form.

Society has been forced as well as persuaded to be apart of this emerging culture. Everyday life today is contrasted to how things used to be through technology, the environment, advertisements, opinions, and the people. Living in a postmodern world is like transferring to an unfamiliar place. Over time, you become used to different methods and ways and that is what has occurred to some lives in some places.

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