Thursday, October 16, 2014

What is it like to live in a postmodern world?

Because I live in a postmodern world you would assume that I know what it’s like. But when you consider the fact that I’ve only ever lived in a postmodern world, it is hard to answer the question. To me the postmodern world that older people see is all I have ever known. The mass media that I experience every day has become a normal part of life. The fact that I do not know what it is like to live in a world that is not postmodern is in itself a postmodern concept because the skewed vision I posses of what “real life” is. 

Some elements of postmodernism and the effects that they have on people, especially young people, can be avoided. The constant editing of real life and the representations that occur in social media can be very obvious.  When you are able to look past this, seeing your true self for who you are in the moment becomes an easier task. To find ourselves in the postmodern world that now exists in every aspect of our lives requires introspection rather than seeing ourselves in terms of the rest of the world. Once this introspection has been done, the fake images of life that we are exposed to have less power over us due to the separation of our true selves from the falsehoods ever present in our world.

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