Thursday, September 11, 2014

War Buddies

War can gain friendship
There are moments of enjoyment
It offers the opportunity
To either make enemies 
Or friends
When Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk 
got into a tiff over a missing knife
it made them test their own will power
They had to make sure 
that they didn't end up killing each other
This tension didn't allow
Jensen to relax
Like fighting 2 different wars he said
No safe grounds: enemies everywhere.
The pair never became 
best buddies
but they managed to be
civil with each other
It seems like it would be nerve wrecking
to have someone who is on your side 
out to get you
Over the next month they often
teamed up on ambushes
They covered each other on patrol,
shared a foxhole, took turns
pulling guard at night.
They may not be the best of friends
but it was a surprise twist 
that they didn't end up
destroying each other

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