Thursday, September 11, 2014

Response to Obama's Address

My initial thoughts on Obama's recent Address to the American public was that he laid out the facts quite simply and left a good impression. Upon later reflection, I realized how much I was actually on the fence about hi speech. I felt that aside from laying down his actually plan of action, he was rather vague on his motives. He kept returning to the same reason. If we do not make a move on them first then they could get to strong to deal with later. Though I do think its a valid reason, I felt, as a person who would much rather not send more troops, that I wanted more. this vagueness also leaves a gap for younger and less informed audience members. I think that this should have been a speech that all Americans could listen to and truly hear what he had to say, he should have been more specific to convey his message to everyone.

On the other hand there were some things I liked about his speech. He was short and to the point with his plan of action. He does not want to have another ground war and said that the troops he was sending were going to be for training other soldiers and helping with intelligence and equipment.

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