Thursday, September 18, 2014

Is Abortion Really An "Abortion"?

Who would ever believe that a piece of skin is a life form of its own? No one. So then why would this be different for a three-week-old fetus that has even less genetic material and is far less developed? People have the right to brush off skin cells, why is this different because these cells are in the uterus? A woman should have the right to decide whether or not to destroy the future of her self and another person; this is essentially the result of abortion. Were you aware that unplanned parenthood is the leading reason for school dropouts? Or that ⅔ of families started by teen mothers will be poor? Or even worse, that girls born to a teen mother are three times as likely to become one themselves. The sons of teen mothers are also twice as likely to go to prison for a felony? If you don’t think teen parenthood isn’t destroying lives than I don’t know what you think is.
There are many misconceptions about the women who get abortions. In fact, most people who were asked to predict the economic and religious status of women who get abortions predicted that they were mostly atheist and low income. However, only half of the women who annually get abortions are low income. One third are upper middle class to upper class. Thirteen percent of women who get abortions are evangelical Christians. Very interestingly, while only twenty two percent of women in the United States are Catholic, twenty seven percent of women who get abortions are catholic. So if anything, women who get abortions are just as wealthy, and religious, if not more so than most Americans. What this shows, is that these women see the scientific data revealing that abortion is a safe, harmless alternative even if they have been told the opposite from birth. These statistics, some of which I have already listed, speak for themselves. This is merely a matter of common sense. Why would someone betray their religion for anything that wasn’t totally good?
Recently, health insurers under the affordable care act have been attempting to make it impossible for women to have access to abortions and even birth control. This only shows that although it is currently legal for abortions to take place, how quickly this right is and can slip away from American women. This shows how confused and misled Americans are about abortions, some thinking that it is “the equivalent of murder”. We must help achieve a more solid standing point on abortion within America as a whole. We must all support it all the way and prevent others from stripping women of this right.
     I personally know a few very strong women who have had unexpected pregnancies. I believe that if these women didn’t have the option of abortion, they wouldn’t be where they are in life today. I also believe that the children they would have had would have miserable upbringings followed by an equally dissatisfying life. I want to make it clear that I am not saying that all unplanned pregnancies should end in abortion, just that it remains an option. If there is any time to support abortion it is now. If we don’t, it will slip away from us. I don’t want to see a day where my sister doesn’t have the right to control the path her life takes. Support abortion or watch it disappear.

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