Thursday, September 18, 2014

Independence For a New Nation?

Scotland has faced a major decision recently. The right for Scottish independence has been engaged and as of yesterday, the polls for Scotland’s referendum closed, and everyone is eagerly awaiting the results. If the majority of the Scots vote for independence from England, then they will break a 308-year union. Of course many people are unhappy with this event, but there’s also many who are excited to have a chance at independence.

Being a predominately liberal country that has been governed by a conservative UK government, Scotland has wanted to be able to maintain their own affairs and control their country for a while without the interference of England. But on the other hand, leaving the UK could have consequences for Scotland, like loosing the currency of the pound, in which they would be forced to use the unstable euro. Also, with the oil revenues decreasing in Scotland, they would need to find another source of money and energy on their own, without being able to rely on the UK to help them.

Along with these possible risks, many British people don’t want Scotland to leave the UK. Partially because they would need to change their flag completely, but also more importantly, because the nuclear bombs that are being held in Scotland, would have to be kept somewhere else, and they don’t know where they would put them.

I personally am indifferent to whether Scotland achieves independence or not, but it seems as if they could stay in the UK and come to an agreement where both the nations issues are addressed and they can accommodate for each other.

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