Thursday, March 12, 2015

Gender Equality

In second period we had a discussion on one of the most sensitive topics; feminism and gender equality. This stirred up a good amount of interactions but it also made me realize even more that men and women are still not equal. When a fellow classmate brought up the fact that everyone in the room laughed at the thought of a man wearing a dress, makeup, and heels to school, (meaning that it wasn't something that you would see everyday) wasn't up to par with the typical masculine image.  People shouldn't be bothered by others decision on what gender they identify better with. Women are at last not the only ones who identify themselves as feminists anymore. More men are pushing past the manly stereotype and are thinking for themselves. 

In the past, feminism was shunned and was seen as a negative belief in the past. Nowadays men and women are starting to realize that its important to not automatically assume the way a person is simply based off of their clothing or interests. Just because someone may be different than you doesn't mean that you or the other person is superior to each other. 


  1. I definitely agree that that trend was interesting to see. In the last year or so, men have joined the feminist movement more so than ever like the #heforshe that Emma Watson put into motion. I strongly agree that we should stop judging people and assuming superiority based on others' appearances.

  2. I definitely agree that that trend was interesting to see. In the last year or so, men have joined the feminist movement more so than ever like the #heforshe that Emma Watson put into motion. I strongly agree that we should stop judging people and assuming superiority based on others' appearances.
