Thursday, October 16, 2014

What Even Is Postmodernism?

Defining postmodernism is a challenging assignment for anyone. There’s no set universal definition of postmodernism or what it does in our lives, but after looking at other classmates’ perceptions of what postmodern objects are, I think I have a better understanding of the term.

Postmodernism, as I have come to know it, is something that goes against the norm, is contradictory of itself, and breaks stereotypes or expectations, although it is nearly impossible to give postmodernism one concrete definition. This idea is very controversial and maybe isn’t how others see postmodernism, but it is prominent in the world we live in today.

Living in a postmodern world, it is very difficult to differentiate between the truth and ideologies and expectations that have been created by postmodernism. This has a huge impact on society and how people think- influencing almost everything we do, watch, say, or listen to. Perception is reality in this world because everything we see and are convinced of, we think it’s the truth. Every movie, book, story, or tv show we watch is affected by postmodern thinking. We think that every family needs to be a certain way, shown by the thousands of examples of families in the things we see. When in reality, very little families are like the ones stereotypically shown on TV. We have been so influenced by postmodernism, that we can’t escape it.


  1. I really liked your post! I agree, first hearing this assignment I was super confused on what exactly post modernism is. I liked how you expressed that it doesn't really have a set definition.

  2. This really helped me further grasp postmodernism; embracing it as a largely encompassing concept is definitely the best way to view it. I also agree that since we live in a postmodern world, it is hard to identify what is specifically postmodern since we are so surrounded by it.

  3. I completely agree, I also think that different people focus on different parts of postmodernism based on their own beliefs, so the definition is kind of different for everybody.

  4. This is a great definition of postmodernism and really helps to explain it. I do agree that in our culture it can be hard to differentiate between what is real and what is just societies accepted truths.
