Sunday, October 5, 2014

School Lunch Food

The food that a student eats while he/she is at school can have a big impact on how they preform throughout the day. When the cookies and the muffins were replaced this year by healthier versions of these foods, I felt like it had a negative impact on my experience at school. Every other day last year I would treat myself to a school lunch cookie and it was awesome. For those of you who have never had one of these, the cookies are so greasy that you can see through the plate after you finish the cookie. After that I felt ready to tackle the rest of my day.
Now that they have replaced these cookies with healthier versions of the same foods, I no longer feel like I can tackle the rest of my day after eating one. Even though those cookies were a little unhealthy, they were a great part of lunch. The muffins were also a little unhealthy, but they were great for a little snack before a big game or after school activity. Now when I go to the lunchroom to get a pre-game snack I cant find a food that was equally filling and gave me just enough buzz to get through the rest of my day. It has been a common complaint among my fellow students and me and we would like to know what the big deal was about the "unhealthy" snacks that were offered. Did anyone die from eating any of these foods? Has there been any overwhelming reason that the school had to get rid of these snacks? I just wish that the school would have asked the student body for their input before they decided to implement this change.


  1. The attempt to make lunches healthier was a complete failure. As long as nachos are an on the menu, the school shouldn't be claiming that it is trying to be healthy. One thing that needs to be done is the addition of more Panini lines! Everybody loves them and they aren't bad for you at all.

  2. I think that the school tried to fix the school lunch problem by replacing unhealthy food with healthier versions, but did so without considering that calories are not the only thing that makes a food item healthy. For example, they removed many healthy granola bars from the vending machines, but kept serving mozzarella sticks and Pop Tarts. If there was complete change in the food, I might buy into it, but the random replacement of items seems irrational.

  3. Personally, I am not affected by the changes to the school lunch menu, as I bring my own lunch every day. However, I noticed they replaced the normal sodas with so-called "diet" sodas - a complete mistake if they are trying to make the food healthier. The artificial sweeteners used are worse than normal sugar...
