Sunday, September 14, 2014

What is War?

War is hell
The sights of of dead bodies
The sight of Curt Lemon
The sounds of bullets and explosions
War is brutal
A constant pain forever puncturing your mind
A hole in your stomach because your stomach believes
War is a mental and physical scar

But that's not the half of it
Because war is discovery
It's about discovering who you are
Who you are as a man
But war makes that man dead in a blink of an eye
The terror and fear war brings

War is fun
The brotherhood created
The thrill and courage involved
The beautiful echoes and implacable beauty
Your mind will hate it
Your stomach will hate it
Your heart will hate it
But your eyes will take it in
The love built and the life lived
It's a one of a kind life
A life only experienced in the boundaries of war

But war is sad
If not joy it's nothing but tears
The emotions that are present sting
The dropping heart
The ringing lips
The loss of words and the struggle to be in a happy place
Missing loved ones at home
Killing the enemy
Seeing a brother stripped from their life
War is a real life horror movie

Your body feels weird
Your mind gone wild
The shape of life
The appearance of humans
War is unsettling
War is grotesque

But war is unique
Because it can be any emotion
Any moment
Anything or anyone
War is everything
Embrace it or kill it
Love it or hate it
Approach it or run from it
Accept the beautiful nature and grounds
But deny the blood and guns
War is raw
Crazy and sweet raw
Or brutally harsh

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