Sunday, September 14, 2014

War is Disbelief

War is disbelief
The way your mind questions reality
and how it can't tell wrong from right
how something seems untrue,
but which in fact represents
the hard and exact truth.

War is Jumbled
always a puzzle
A true war story cannot be believed,
as if nothing happened,
There is always that surreal seemingness,
which makes the story seem untrue.

War is Skeptical
Not believing that things are true
They try to ignore it
but they keep hearing that crazy-ass gook concert
no way,
it cant be real,
but there it is.

War is insane
when he died it was almost beautiful
the way the sunlight came around him
the crazy stuff is true
and the normal stuff isn't.

You can't tell a true war story,
sometimes it's just beyond telling.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your poem, I like that you focused on the more abstract concepts of war. I think the way you explained each concept and how it related to war gave the poem a good flow. The way that you separated one statement into many short lines sets up the staccato tone for the finality of the final line. Great Job!
