Thursday, September 11, 2014

Unnoticed Abuse

I was on my way home from school the other day and I overheard a song on the radio that really caught my attention. The song “Girl” by Destiny’s Child, describes a women who is stuck in an abusive relationship and who is too afraid to admit it. Beyoncé Knowles and Michelle Williams wrote the song's lyrics as a plea to their bandmate Kelly Rowland to escape an abusive relationship.

Many women in America unfortunately are in abusive relationships and don’t speak up and or have a hard time convincing themselves that they are in an abusive relationship. This song not only tells us a story, it also tells us that nobody should ever feel isolated or alone if they are in need of help.

“Girl, I can tell he's been lying
And pretending that he's faithful and he loves you
Girl, you don't have to be hiding
Don't you be ashamed to say he hurt you”

A majority or abusive relationships that go undetected is because the girl is ashamed to say that she is a victim and thus stays in the relationship even longer to prevent anybody from finding out about it.

 “It ain't really him its stress from the job
And I ain't making it easy
I know you see him bugging on me sometimes
But I know he be tired he don't mean it”

Women who are victims tend to make excuses to why they are feeling down. They also defend their partner’s actions on common everyday stresses. Girls who hide it fear that they will be judged as someone who let their partner treat them like a useless object, or they fear that their partner will harm them if they try to leave.

Abusive relationships go undetected everyday in America. Women today have the power today to say and do anything a man can do. We must not back away from the fear because in the end we have a voice that can be heard from all over the world. You are not alone!


  1. I am glad this song has been analyzed as it is important to recognize how pop culture can influence Americans to do something good for their personal health. Well written and good usage of lyrics to support your argument.

  2. No arguments on my end. This really is becoming more and more of a problem. Luckily, we saw some justice delivered recently. Ray Rice, a former player for the Baltimore Ravens who was caught on camera physically abusing his fiance, was just banned indefinitely from the NFL, and he lost almost all his sponsorships. Hopefully this will show more people what a problem this is.

  3. This song is a great example of your point and very poignant today with the Ray Rice scandal. I liked that you showed how an abusive relationship is not always physical abuse though, lots of the time its mental. Nice throwback thursday with this song too haha.

  4. I love how you analyzed this song! I also like how it brings attention to abusive realtionships, and brutal they can be.
