Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Things They Carried Found Poem

War is hell.
As a moral declaration
the old truism seems perfectly true,
and yet because it abstracts, because it generalizes,
I can't believe it with my stomach.
Nothing turns inside.
It comes down to gut instinct.
A true war story,
if truly told,
makes the stomach believe.
War is hell,
but that's not the half of it,
because war is also mystery and terror
and adventure and courage
and discovery and holiness
and pity an despair
and longing and love.
War is nasty;
war is fun.
War is thrilling;
war is drudgery.
War makes you a man;
war makes you dead.
The truths are contradictory.


  1. I liked how you ended it by listing all the things O'Brien says war is. I had a similar idea. I think you did a good job of making the quotes flow together.

  2. I really liked how you stated examples of how the truths of war are in many spectrums and then closed by saying the truths were contradictory because O'Brian really made it clear that war really was very ironic.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like how you included all aspects of war unlike the cliché ones. War is good and bad and not what most people think. Only those who experienced war can know what it was really like.
