Thursday, September 11, 2014

Presidential address to teens

Last night, the presidential address started off with President Obama walking to his podium with American written everywhere, the flag to his right, his pin, and the seal on his podium. Obama started his address by discussing gruesome things happening in Syria and Iraq due to the terrorist group, ISIS. Obama talks about his plan to keep Americans safe while trying to destroy the terrorist group.

Later on, talking to my friends I realized not many people know about what is happening in the Middle Easr. Without having this assignment most teenagers probably would not know that Obama was speaking on this problem. Personally, I had no clue that this terrorist group had gotten so out of hand. The problem is not only in Iraq but also in America. Why is it that so many teenager do not know about these world problems. I think we need to focus more on the problem that teenagersare so caught up in their phones and celebrity gossip that they don't pay attention to the news. Obama's main audience is older people, but in two years the junior class can vote. Teenagers should try to put down their phones some times and learn more about the world outside and the problems we see facing.


  1. I agree with what you said in the second paragraph, although I knew about this subject, I also see that teens can get caught up in other things. I agree that we all should watch the news more and try to figure out what is going on outside of our bubble.
    Tyler S

  2. I totally agree that teenagers need to be more informed. It's crazy to realize in the next election I can vote and I don't really even know how I feel about war. I think the reason why I don't stay current in the news is the internet. Like I felt no rush to watch Obama's speech in real time because I knew the speech would be online within seconds of him completing it. I think to no there is no reason for me to have to watch the news or stay current because of the internet eventually telling me and that ends up making me become pretty uninformed.

  3. I totally agree. It's scary that we're going to be able to vote in just a few years, yet most of us don't have sufficient information on super important topics on the global scale. It shouldn't be weird for teenagers to randomly start talking about these kinds of international concerns.

  4. I think that this is really true. I think we all knew that things were very fragile and violent in the MIddle East, but specifics are really foggy. I agree, we should find away to make news more accessible to us, so that we will be more inclined to see what is going on in order to be more involved. Especially since we will be voters in a couple of years.

  5. I completely agree with you. I personally am not sure if I would even know about the speech at all without the assignment. I also think that our generation is so caught up in our personal social lives whether is on social media or not that we don't stop to see what's going on with the rest of the world. I agree with Annelise that we should definitely start paying more attention since in a couple years the speeches will be directed to persuade us when we are at the voting age.
