Thursday, September 18, 2014


After working on an op-ed of my own, I have become more interested in other people's opinions and op-eds. I was looking in the NY times op-eds and found one about Boycotting the NFL. It states how two pro football players have beaten either their wife of children. The first example was the Ray Rice scandal, a video from a hotel elevator showing Rice punching his fiancĂ© in the face and dragging her unconscious body out. It explains that the NFL Officials, reportedly saw this video before the media posted it. The officials did all they could to cover up the problem without taking out one of their players. Another example was Adrian Peterson, a running back, who allegedly beat his 4 year old son. Peterson said he was giving his son a "whupping" after pushing another child. The op-ed talked about how officials could punish the players but people would still watch football every Sunday. No matter what a player does to whomever, they still get viewers every Sunday. Pro football players are looked up to by young boys who's dreams are to be in the NFL. When little boys see their role models abusing others how do you thinks they will act in the future?     


  1. Goodell has to step down. He was caught red handed in a series of scandals that have the power to destroy a reputation, and the allegations do indeed make him look like a fool. His reluctance to step down is a further indication of his crappy character.

  2. I agree in that people do not care what football players do and will never boycott the NFL, even though they should, because football has become a way of life for some people.

  3. The NFL is currently having a hard time controlling their players, i agree with what you said.

  4. I agree completely. The NFL needs to have a better method of dealing with these kinds of issues.
