Thursday, September 18, 2014

Found Poem

War is a road
The hills and the swamps
Her eyes gray and neutral
The fog made things seem hollow and unattached
Everything seemed part of everything else
Wet and blurry

It was very sad
The sun and the heat and the endless paddies
The war was naked
Just a silent howl
Jungle, sort of, except it’s way up in the clouds,
Endless, without purpose

Absolute Silence
Faraway, sort of, but right up close too
Nothing won or lost
When the forest grows too wild
A purging fire is inevitable
Justice is balance there

But in truth war is also beauty
You can’t help but gape at the awful majesty
The fluid symmetries of troops
The great sheets of metal-fire
Like cancer under a microscope,
Almost everything is true

Almost nothing is true.


  1. Good job, I liked your way of looking at war. Good metaphor.

  2. Great job! I love the choices you made. The last couple of lines are really powerful.
