Thursday, September 18, 2014

A New Way

A New Way

A TV show on HBO called True Detective is about two detectives that unravel a satanic homicide. The shows many truths of the world, one particular  truth is about Errol (The Killer). Errol is a man that grew up and spent his entire life in the Louisiana swamps, twist is that he worships the devil and does his deeds by kidnapping children. The way he came about this life is his father, Errol is describe always with a beard of scars. His childhood was to say was horrifying, his dad cut his face up and was a victim of abusive relationship. You could tell this before you even watch the scene explaining it because of Errol's aggressive personality.

This could be considered as an extreme situation of child abuse but the truth is that it happens. Child abuse has been not looked upon as it should. The thing is how we stop it, it is a cycle. Child is abused by some one, it  is put into that kids mind that thats how you deal with problems. It is almost certain that every domestic violence crime committed that the person doing the crime was first abused somewhere in his childhood. In the case of Errol, he was abused as a child and held in that anger, that fighting restraint until he was in position to fight back. He ends up killing his father and blames god for what happened to him. It is a hard thing to stop but a generation would all have to let go of that anger in a safe fashion so that this cycle can stop.

This idea of the cycle goes for poverty too. If you are born into poverty it is nearly impossible to get out in this day and age. Kids born into poverty have no one to look up to, the people that they do look up to does not seem such a good inspiration. The kids look up to the only people that made it out of poverty which only includes rap stars and athletes. None of these kids see the people that over came poverty in a more knowledgeable way. They don't see the importance of education, only the importance of becoming a rapper or athlete.  


  1. I agree when you say it is a cycle. When a child is abused they usually abuse their children later in life. If we could stop the abuse at an early age it would greatly benefit the child and their children in the future because the child could learn that abuse is wrong and the cycle can stop.

  2. Cycles of poverty and abuse are really important to know about, I agree. I just wouldn't say that impoverished children ONLY have rap stars and athletes to look up. Look at people like Oprah Winfrey and J.K. Rowling. There are stories of well known people rising out of poverty with hard work and a solid education.
