Sunday, September 25, 2016

Trump and Hillary Exposed by Ted Cruz

              "Not Easy" is an ad by the republican Ted Cruz in the 2016 election. This ad is a functions two main purposes. In the first half it is a slander ad against Hillary and Trump, and the second is a promotion of Ted's character. The ad starts off with Hillary and Trump both painting themselves like they are average people with the same kinds of turmoil as a regular American. In both clips the candidates both say how it has "not been easy" for them. He then shows a picture of Trump and Hillary conversing at some fancy gathering, both dressed very nice, having a quite easy time. At the same time, these videos are popped out, allowing for a background video. This shot is an aerial of New York City. This could be because he had just gotten out of New York campaigning and was in Pennsylvania, New York's Neighbor. New York City is also just a iconic city that could inspire patriotism in the viewer.

              The second half of the ad centralizes around Ethos. It starts saying how Trump and Hillary just don't get it, but Ted does. Seven slides then show up depicting reasons to vote for Ted, each with his name on them. The first says he will cut taxes. The image behind this slide shows a white family with a man cooking the food and a mother helping the children with reading or some sort of work. This paints Cruz as a progressive president. The next says he will make more jobs, with a mechanic in the background. Another shows an old couple with the word security on the front. These slides are an attempt to connect with some people for a slight extra boost. However, in this whole ad, there are nobody but white people, which counteracts some of the progressiveness he was showing earlier. The font of these slides was white with an alternating text box of red and blue, showing some patriotism. In the end it shows him looking foreward and slightly up, which just portrays him in a powerful and stern way.


  1. Spot on with the analysis of the imagery of red and blue and the stereotypical American family. Good Job.

  2. Spot on with the analysis of the imagery of red and blue and the stereotypical American family. Good Job.
