Friday, September 30, 2016

Hillary or Donald who's the better choice

In the previous presidential debate that just took place Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off against each other in probably the most important presidential debate ever taken place in history. Both candidates with a strong following and specific beneficial backgrounds. Hillary being a politician who knows the system and how to work within the system she's competing in and Donald Trump appealing to many wealthy citizens of the United States. Both candidates put up an amazing and persuading argument but I think we all know that there was a clear victor he in this "battle of the ages". 

Hillary Clinton has always been a great debater and has been a politician for quite some time now, so debates and political arguments are nothing new for her to wrap her head around and comprehend. Hillary during the debate on Monday night showed great sportsmanship, tranquility, and "friendly comments" to Donald Trump on that night. She was very calm and collected about the situation and the questions the mediator (Lester Holt) asked. She gave a fantastic argument that riled up her followers as well as gained her new followers to vote for her in this upcoming election. Not only did she stay tranquil she also showed America how funny and such a good sport she can be. During the debate you could see her chuckling and laughing at what was said and made jokes herself in response to what Trump said several times that got good reactions from the audience. People were worried for Hillary because there were such high expectations for her in this debate and I think everyone agrees that she did not hesitate in actually succeeding America's standards for her in this last debate. However, was it enough to defeat her notorious opponent Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, being the incredible businessman had surprisingly low expectations going into this debate. However, I think Trump did a fantastic job in the debate against Clinton on Monday. Trump was the most respectful, patient, and  mature candidate up there. All of his responses to the questions asked were clearly answered and made perfect sense. He never once made an inappropriate or unnecessary comment and was very respectful when it was Clinton's turn to speak. He was very mature during the entire debate and never once acted childish through it. I believe he will truly and wholeheartedly  "Make America great Again".

I think we have a clear winner here though and it would be none other than Donald Trump. He is always such an inspirational person and I want to be like him when I grow up.

Just Kidding Hillary Clinton most definitely won.

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