Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Spicy Latina and Exoticism of Women of Color

“Modern Family” is a popular show and as it includes a gay couple, the show appears to be progressive. The family is almost all white except for the family patriarch’s much younger wife, Gloria. Gloria is played by Sofia Vergara, 42 year old Colombian model and actress. Although Gloria seems to be a harmless, and entertaining character, she perpetuates a major racist stereotype in American culture.

Gloria represents the exoticism of colored women, and specifically the bold, spicy, latina stereotype. Gloria is hypersexualized as she wears tight, revealing clothing which extentuates her large breasts and comments are often made about her physical attractiveness. Gloria has an artificially obvious accent, and struggles with english and her intelligence in general. This enforces the idea that women of color are exotic and their bodies should be craved for their exotic, foreign, “otherness.” This stereotype is not surprising since women of color have always been sexualized but never really valued. As Gloria is the wife of a much older man, once again it is shown that “exotic” women should be conquered and appreciated solely for their physical appearances.

The sexualization and exoticism of women of color has a long history. Latinas have been stereotyped as sexual and exotic since the Brazilian, Carmen Miranda portrayed the image of the “spicy latina”. Her vibrant colors and dances created an exotic sex appeal. Actresses like Sofia Vergara and Naya Rivera, who played Santana and “Glee”, continue to land the role of the spicy, exotic latina women. This stereotype has been existent for all women of color. Since the days of slavery in America and the sexual exploitation of black women, white women have been seen as virginal and pure, while black bodies have been hypersexualized by American culture and media. Even if they are born in America, women of color have been objectified and sexualized due to the hypersexualization of their “exoticness”. Women of color should no longer be disembodied and dehumanized by images and representations, but rather they should be valued and accurately portrayed by American culture.

1 comment:

  1. I think your analysis of Gloria on Modern Family is extremely interesting. Her character poses some important questions on race and gender, because although she and Jay represent a very stereotypical relationship between a wealthy, older, white man and a young ethnic woman, I think the show embraces and discusses these stereotypes consciously. Perhaps that changes the nature of the show.
