Thursday, September 11, 2014


War Poem

The truths are contradictory
They hold no meaning
Just clouds and fog
War is Beauty
You live or die
I would go to the war
I would kill and maybe die
It was my duty
It was my life
I wish I had it all back
I wish I could see the nam sunset one last time
The war isn’t all terror
The trees are alive - the land, the soil, everything
The aliveness makes you tremble
You recognize what's valuable
you are filled with a hard, aching love for how the world could be and always should
be, but now is not
War is hell
War is just another name for death
What sticks to memory is those odd little fragments that have no beginning and no end
It is a sudden need to be elsewhere
The smell of smoke, and filth, and deep greenery
It was a question of pain
War is just people shooting people
It has no Morals
(Tim O'Brien)

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