Thursday, September 11, 2014

War poem

War is a bone breaking and mind melting battle.
The pain people can see is the easy part.
The mental pain that war brings is unmatched.
What is worse:
A broken leg or a broken mind.
Actually visually seeing a friend die,
 is detrimental to the mind.
Its almost impossible to get rid of it.
Broken bones heal, a corrupted mind,
Not so easily fixed.
War is complete obscenity and Evil.
When a guy dies, you look away,
then look back at it again.
The pictures get jumbled.
It's hard to comprehend what it feels like,
to actually see somebody die.
Not peacefully either, with an explosion.
Blood and sweat everywhere.
Almost too real to shed a tear.
Everybody reacts differently.
Freezing up in lifeless shock.
Trying to understand what just happened.
A war story never really ends, 
at least for the survivors.
To come back from such a loss,
nearly impossible to accomplish.


  1. I really like the way your poem used sentences that share a similar length and structure. It gave the poem a definite rhythm, and each of the points carries equal weight, rather than trying too hard to put strong emphasis on particular words or phrases. This poem is written the way people actually talk, which makes it feel more believable and human.

  2. I really like this poem, I like when you said "The pain people can see is the easy part," because it is definitely true that physical main is no where nearly as damaging as the mental pain that veterans experience.
