Friday, September 12, 2014

War Is...A Dichotomy

War is boredom

Like an acid

Ever present gently

melting your important organs

War is a paradox

Almost everything is true

Almost nothing is true

Searching, searching for answers

War is terror

Burning rage

Its all fire

They make the mountains burn

War is an adventure

It's like an appetite

Eating you from the inside out

Where you can feel closest to yourself

War is holiness

An ugly quest for a beautiful purity

An allegiance to obscenity and evil

War is a fire

Devouring everything in its path

Igniting you

then burning you away into nothing

War is never about war

Its about love and memory

Its about sorrow

Its about sisters who never write back

And its about people who never listen


  1. I liked how you did a different war is.. statement every few lines then had different evidence and words to describe how war is like all of those adjectives. It had an overall view of the many things war is like good job!

  2. It was cool how the text really made me feel the emotions of war in my gut. The imagery was good and the comparison of war to other things made it more understandable.
