Thursday, September 11, 2014

War is Unbelivable

War is not Believable.
Often the crazy stuff is true,
and the normal stuff isn't.
Hollywood makes you believe,
believe in ideas that are somewhat true.
Hollywood wants to show action.
Hollywood wants to show courage.
Hollywood gives people what they want  to see.
True war stories make your stomach believe.
You don't want to believe the truth.
The truth hurts.
The truth is raw.
The truth is something you don't want to believe.
The truth is that there is no point.
There is no moral.
Events happen where you try not to believe.
The truth is hazed.
There is no clarity.
Everything swirls.
You lose your sense of the definite.
The only certainty is overwhelming ambiguity.
What is hard to believe is that wars stories are not about war.
Its about your brothers.
Its about love and bonds that not even death can break.
Its about sisters who never right back,
and people who never listen.

1 comment:

  1. This poem makes me feel in my stomach just how unbelievable war is, and shows how painful the truth can be. Great job!
