Thursday, September 11, 2014

War Is Stories

War is stories,
No I said I wont,
No choice Tim what else,
A slim dead dainty young man,
This is one story I've never told before,
I've had to live with it,
I remember these things too,
Because it's all relative,
No beginning and no end,
Gone! They screamed, I'm sorry but I'm gone,
You couldn't blame the blame,
Everything seemed part of everything else,
Hating kind of love,
This varied by mission,
He had difficulty,
But he wondered,
Stories are for eternity,
When memory is erased, when there is nothing,
I'll admit the story makes me squirm,
Pressure on my dreams,
I like to believe,
Joining the past to the future,
When you can't remember,
Remembering will lead to a story,
Which makes it forever,
He was a soldier after all.

1 comment:

  1. I love your first line! "War is stories" simultaneously captures the definition of war based on people's true experiences and the definition of war based on the stereotyped stories we see every day in American culture.
