Monday, September 15, 2014

War is mystery- Found poem

War is mystery

The rocket's red glare
A killer forest fire
Like cancer under a microscope

The purply orange glow of napalm
The great sheets of metal-fire streaming down
The harmonies of sound and shape and proportion

Admire the fluid symmetries of troops on the move
The trees are alive
Things are purely living, and you among them
The aliveness makes you tremble

An intense out-of-the-skin awareness
Your living self-your truest self
You want decency
You want justice and courtesy and human concord
Things you never knew you wanted

You're never more alive then when you're almost dead
You recognize what's valuable
You love what's best in yourself

A wide river turning pinkish red
The fine colors on the river
Feel wonder and awe at the setting of the sun

There is no clarity
Everything swirls
Right spills over into wrong
Order blends into chaos
Love blends into hate
Ugliness blends into beauty, law into anarchy
Civility blends into savagery

The vapors suck you in

1 comment:

  1. I really like your poem Nick, I thought that you did a great job rearranging the author's words without changing what he meant to say.
