Thursday, September 18, 2014

Found Poem

War is fun
They’d laugh and dance around
There were movies and card games

War is thrilling
you’re never more alive than when you’re almost dead

War is mystery and terror and adventure and courage

War is nakedly and aggressively boring.
Boredom with a twist
The kind of boredom that causes stomach disorders

War is drudgery- they would never be at a loss for things to carry
They carried the soldier’s greatest fear- the fear of blushing
They carried ghosts
They shared the weight of memory-
It was like watching a rock fall, or a big sandbag -just boom, then down

War is nasty
War makes you dead
He looks at you with his big sad gentle killer eyes, because his friend is dead
He’s nineteen years old - it’s too much for him

War is hell
Christ, what’s the point?


  1. I like how you bolded "war is." I also really liked the ending. The progression of the poem from the nice fun stuff to the nasty, hellishness of war really flows nicely.

  2. This flows really well, and I agree with Simone that the build is great, and it's you definitely used the quotes to your writing advantage. Nice job!
