Sunday, September 14, 2014

War is Disgrace

War is beauty
Sharp gray eyes, lean
when he died it was almost      beautiful
the sunlight came around him
sucked him high
into a tree full of moss and vines and
white blossoms

War is hell
The pictures get jumbled
you tend to miss a lot
They blow away trees and glee clubs
And whatever else there is to blow away
They make those mountains burn

He shot it twice
It wasn't to kill, it was to hurt
the animal fell hard and tried to get up
but this time couldn't quite make it
There was no pity for the baby water buffalo
Curt Lemon was dead

Human beings have issues
far more important
than the lives of the beings
that inhabit our playing fields
All souls die in war


  1. I really enjoyed your poem. The way you focused the paradox in O'Brien's descriptions made the writing come alive. I liked how you focused on Curt Lemon and his death, which in my opinion was the best part of The Things They Carried.

  2. I thought the poem was brilliant, however I was confused that the title of the poem is "war is disgrace" however the first line is "war is beauty" almost like a living paradox in the poem.

  3. I think this poem is really good. The poem was very cohesive. The structure of the poem is really good and gets across the point that war is beauty. I am also confused as to why the title say war is disgrace and the first line says it is beautiful.
