Sunday, September 14, 2014

War is Dependable

Cold sweats
Waking up in the middle of the night because
you could have sworn you figured it out.
Trying to put it in words
but they slide off the tongue in mouthfuls
of soft sand choking out any chance you had
of anyone else EVER understanding it.

462 piece orchestras out in the middle of the trees
that are talking and telling stories about benefactors
and tax loopholes.
And somehow they're clinking glasses
 even though they don't have hands,
and anyone who believes it was only 461 pieces is the real crazy one.
You can feel the blood bouncing
through your veins
to a 2/1 time signature
all the way out to your fingertips.
but it is the most at peace you have ever felt.

Home just becomes a shell of what it once was
where you feel like you belong but something always feels off.
War is where everything makes sense
in the way that nothing does.
And it is the dependable uncertainty where you feel the most safe.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your poem. I felt that in reflected very well and creatively what we have read/studied in class so far. I especially liked,
    "You can feel the blood bouncing
    through your veins
    to a 2/1 time signature
    all the way out to your fingertips."
    I thought, through the use of your vocab words, that it was a great representation and it makes the readers really connect with your piece and feel it physically and emotionally!
