Sunday, September 14, 2014

War is Demented--War Poem

War is demented
A nature hike, they thought, not even war
Giggling, calling each other yellow mothers
tiny white blossoms, under the canopy
Except for the laughter, things were quiet
There was a noise
Terror and violence
An intense, out-of-the skin awareness of your living self
When he died, it was almost beautiful
Must’ve been the detonator
Playing catch with smoke grenades
Lemon Tree
She left for days, weeks at a time
You just don’t know, she said
Throat was a necklace of human tongues
On a post, the decayed head of a leopard
She was barefoot
She wore her pink sweater and white blouse
A simple cotton skirt
She’s already gone
Hit him hard
His nose made a sharp snapping sound
The fight was vicious
Had him hearing noises in the dark
Imagining a grenade rolling into his foxhole
Borrowed a pistol
Yelled the mans name
Held it at the grip
And broke his own nose
Asked if everything was square between them
The man was crazy

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