Thursday, September 11, 2014

War for Pride?

My dad always wanted a son. But instead he got three daughters. He had to make the most out of me that he could. One thing he always taught me is that I always need to stand up for myself. Never let anyone hurt me in any way. "Let people know that you aren't the person they want to mess with."

I sit here typing this on the 13th anniversary of one of the most tragic events in our nation's history. And as much as I mourn for the people that lost their lives thirteen years ago, I wonder if we let pride get in the way of rational thinking.

If I was my age thirteen years ago, I would most likely me on the bandwagon of retaliation. Because we won't allow ourselves to be the nation they want to mess with. But I was only three years old when this happened. So now, I wonder if the war we threw ourselves into was the best option.

Only one person voted against war when congress votes. One. But if we redid that vote, would we vote the same way? I'm not so sure that we would. We had plenty of time to clear our thoughts, and now we can way the positives and the negatives of the war.

I don't think I will ever be able to answer this question. Whenever I think about the attack on our land, I feel a little bit of drive to get revenge. But do we as a nation care more about protecting our pride, or fighting for something we believe in?


  1. The biggest problem is the way in which the war was carried out. The actions in Afghanistan were followed by a chain reaction of other conflicts in the region.

  2. I agree, I believe that we let vengeance stand in the way of rational thinking. If America gave itself more time to mourn, then war may have been avoided and we could have concentrated our efforts into taking down the group responsible, rather than snowballing multiple countries into war.
