Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Undefined Life of War

War is hell
But in truth,
War is also beauty.
To generalize about war is like generalizing about peace.

Order blends into chaos.
What’s the point?
The answer matters.
You hate it
A true war story is never moral.
It does not instruct,
Nor encourage virtue,
Nor suggest models of proper human behavior,
Nor restrain men from doing the things
Men have always done.

There were lots of pranks and horseplay.
Right spills into wrong.
There is not even a point.
It’s difficult to separate what happened
From what seemed to happen.

The war was nakedly
And aggressively boring.
No particular place to go
They’ll never understand
And now twenty years later,
I’m left with faceless responsibility and faceless grief.


  1. This poem really shows the chaos in war. I really like the line 'I'm left with faceless responsibility and faceless grief.' This line expresses how the soldiers have this responsibility to go to war, that no one else truly understands.

  2. ^ I agree with Genevieve. Think you really did a great job in pulling out the most meaningful quotes and really showing the craziness of war

  3. I think that this poem does a really good job of showing all of the different sides of war. I think that the poem flows really well and that the quotes you used were very effective. Nice poem!

  4. Great job! You captured O'Brein's views on war very in well in this poem.
