Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lone Survivor–A True American War Story

Lone Survivor is a film documenting the true story of American Navy SEALS during the war during the Afghan War. (If you haven't seen the movie, you can view the trailer here.)  This film ties in closely with our current reading, The Things They Carried, letting us question whether or not this is a true war story.

The film tells the story of four SEALS who are stationed in Afghanistan for reconnaissance on Taliban forces.  The men are ambushed and all the men, except for Marcus Luttrell, are killed in the attack.  One of the characteristics of a true war story according to author Tim O’Brien is that there is no questioning of the truth in the story.  Although this was a film adaptation of the events that occurred in real life, I still believe that few people would actually question whether or not this story happened.  In addition, O’Brien states that a true war story has no moral–or lesson–for the reader or viewer. 

After watching the movie and thinking about the basis of the plot, it is clear that the intent of the creator was not to educate viewers and give some grandiose impression, but rather to simply show that the events actually happened.  Overall, I think that Lone Survivor is a great movie and ties in well with our current unit, so give it a watch!

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