Wednesday, September 10, 2014


The movie Jarhead depicts a young man who is in the marines. When I first watched this movie I thought it had pretty good acting and dialog. Forgetting about the movie, I asked one of my family's friend "What movie is most like real war?" I was surprised to hear that it was Jarhead. As I look back at the movie and watch it again I start to understand. This movie illustrates the true hardship these men go through, not just with their body but with their mind. In the movie these two men are partners snipers, through the course of the movie you start to see them get very upset that they have not killed anyone. You would think that that's a good thing to not have killed anyone, but for these men its seems like the end of the world.

Men that are sent to war to fight for their country go through extreme long training. The prime of their live 18-25 years of age are spent to make them the best killer that they can be. Spending all that time missing college and starting a family wasted on becoming a killer. Becoming a person thats mission was to kill the enemies, but yet never killing anyone. It would have them feel like they wasted their life, that the one thing the work for never came. Then coming home to everyone that did not wait for you to come home. This makes me understand more of the hardship even if they were not in combat.


  1. I think that it is really impressive that you pointed out that the men also suffer mental hardship. In most movies they overlook the fact that war has a massive impact on the soldiers not only physically but mentally. I also think that it is very interesting that the soldiers were upset that they had not killed anyone, and this shows a truth that many people would not expect.

  2. I have never seen Jarhead, however it seems like a great movie. By how you describe it, it does seem like a true war story. The fact that these men acquire mental issues and will never be the same. Also, the fact that there is no happy ending is a large aspect of a true war story. I really hope to watch this movie sometime, and I love your post.

  3. While I think you make an interesting point in this analysis, I would have to disagree with you that men would truly be crushed to come home from a war without killing anybody. While patriotism might drive a soldier to want to kill the enemy, I feel like there would be a general sense of relief in addition to this frustration that would not be voiced to others. These soldiers might appear upset over not killing any men, but in reality they could be just trying to prove to each other that they are tough enough to kill and American enough to want blood on their hands, even when on the inside they are secretly glad that they don't have to carry the burden of taking a life.
